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Duloxetine 1mg/ml

High purity Duloxetine solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data


High purity Penbutolol includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Nortriptyline-d3 HCl 1mg/ml

High purity Nortriptyline labeled-d3 HCl solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Nicotinuric Acid - Labeled d4

High purity Nicotinuric Acid - Labeled d4 includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Ethinyl Estradiol-3-Sulfate Labeled d5 Sodium Salt

High purity Ethinyl Estradiol-3-Sulfate Labeled d5 Sodium Salt includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Metformin HCl

High purity Metformin HCl includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Ephylone-d5 HCl

High purity Ephylone d5 HCl (N-Ethylpentylone β-keto-ethylbenzodioxolylpentanamine, βk-ethyl-K, βk-EBDP) includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Oxazepam labeled d5

High purity Oxazepam-d5 includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

4-BEC 1mg/ml

High purity 4-BEC (4-Bromoethcathinone) HCl solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Ethedrone HCl

High purity Ethedrone Hydrochloride (4-Methoxy-ethcathinone, 4-Methoxy-N-ethylcathinone, bk-PMEA, PMEC, 4-MeOEC) includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Dipentylone 1mg/ml

High purity Dipentylone HCl (N,N-Dimethylpentylone, bk-DMBDP, N-Methylpentylone) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

Dibutylone-d3 (bk-DMBDB-d3) HCl 0.1mg/ml

High purity Dibutylone labeled-d3 HCl (βk-DMBDB-d3, methylbutylone-d3, 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-(dimethylamino)butan-1-one-d3, β-Keto-dimethylbenzodioxolylbutanamine-d3, US DEA C-I 7542) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

DOB HCl 0.1mg/ml

High purity DOB HCl (4-Bromo-DMA, 4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine, Brolamfetamine, Bromo-DMA, US DEA C-I 7391) solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

N,N-DMC (Metamfepramone) HCl 1mg/ml

High purity DMC HCl (N,N-DMC, Metamfepramone, Dimethylpropion, Dimepropion, Dimethylcathinone) HCl solution includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data

4-Methyl-N,N-DMC (4-MDMC) HCl

High purity 4-Methyl-N,N-DMC (4-MDMC, 4-Methyl-N,N-dimethylcathinone , 2-(Dimethylamino)-1-(p-tolyl)propan-1-one, 2-(dimethylamino)-1-(4-methylphenyl)-1-propanone) Hydrochloride includes a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis and all supporting analytical data.  

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